Why Did Gleneagles Agreement Happen

The Gleneagles Agreement was a significant moment in the history of international relations, and it is often referenced as a turning point for how governments dealt with serious issues facing the world. But the question that often arises is, why did Gleneagles Agreement happen in the first place?

To understand this, we need to first take a look at the context of the time. It was the 1970s, and the world was beginning to see a new wave of political activism. People were starting to become more aware of social issues, and governments were becoming more open to listening to the voices of their citizens. In addition, there was a growing awareness of the impact that businesses and corporations were having on the world, especially in terms of environmental issues.

Against this backdrop, the Gleneagles Agreement came into being. It was a response to the widespread protests and campaigns against South Africa`s apartheid regime, which was seen as a gross violation of human rights. Governments around the world were facing pressure from their citizens to take a strong stance against the regime, but they were also mindful of the economic implications of taking such action.

The idea behind the Gleneagles Agreement was to create a united front to pressure South Africa to end apartheid, without hurting the economy. The agreement called for companies to stop investing in South Africa, to stop importing goods from the country, and to stop selling their products to South Africa. It was a way for governments and businesses to show that they were serious about ending apartheid, without causing unnecessary harm to the people of South Africa.

The Gleneagles Agreement was significant for a number of reasons. For one, it showed that governments could work together to address important social issues, despite differences in ideology and politics. It also showed that businesses could be held accountable for their actions, and that they had a responsibility to consider the impact of their operations on the wider world.

Today, the legacy of the Gleneagles Agreement lives on. It has inspired other international agreements and initiatives, such as the UN Global Compact and the Sustainable Development Goals. It has also shown us that change is possible, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable challenges. All we need is a willingness to work together and a commitment to doing what is right.

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